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The SEA Executive Board

Merry Ding


Founder & President

Hi there! I'm Merry Ding, the President and founder of SEA! I'm currently a junior at Memorial High School, I couldn't be more excited to start this incredible initiative! I'm super passionate about dance and environmental protection! I love to spend my free time creating in the kitchen, so I'm thrilled to bring my hobby into this club! â€‹

Through the SEA Movement, I hope to inspire others to take small steps in their daily lives towards bettering the health of our planet. The agricultural industry is a leading contributor to carbon emission and the destruction of our planet's ecosystems. Unfortunately, it is also an aspect of environmental protection that often gets overlooked. Much of environmental sustainability begins from the processes used to cultivate food in the earth. Together, let's continue to explore and push the boundaries of environmental awareness. I hope this journey allows us all to realize the importance of nurturing our nurturer. 



Cathy Zhai

Vice President

Howdy! I’m Cathy Zhai and I’m the Vice President for the SEA Club and a junior at Memorial High School! I'm looking forward to the feeling of promise for our world that the SEA Club is sure to bring to fruition. I'm also particularly excited about the prospect of enjoying lots of heartwarming memories, convivial activities, entertaining games, and especially, fantastic food with my friends—therefore, lettuce savor the deliciousness that comes with helping both the environment and our appetites!


Eliza Khan

Events Coordinator

Hey! I'm Eliza Khan, a current senior at MHS and Events Coordinator at SEA! I love singing, dancing, acting, painting, reading, programming, and learning new things. This initiative means a lot to me as it is affecting change in an area that is sadly often overlooked. I'm hoping that via this club, we can help prevent the damage that has been caused to our earth by spreading knowledge regarding the awful effects of pollution and climate change and inspiring others to join the cause. I'm certain that all of us can work together and solve this problem!


Diana Puerta


Hi! My name is Diana Puerta and I am currently a junior at MHS. Helping the environment and making the world a better place is something that's really important to me, so I'm really happy to serve as Secretary and be a part of SEA. Embarking on this new journey is really exciting since I will learn, as well as inform others about the importance of this environment and agricultural awareness through fun events and social interactions. Some of my passions include art, traveling, baking, and keeping myself healthy through exercise. I can't wait to meet everyone and am really looking forward to the future of SEA!!!


Christopher Salha

Community Outreach Manager

Hello! I’m Christopher Salha, the Community Outreach Manager for the SEA Club! I am a junior at MHS and I love to garden, play piano, read, paint, and overall just be in nature. I am so excited to be a part of this club, and I hope that it helps encourage others to become more aware of the growing importance of climate change and possibly even take some steps, like using less single-use plastics, to help reduce our carbon footprint and leave the earth in a better and healthier state. Plastic pollution and habitat loss are two major problems going on in our world today, they have destroyed thousands of ecosystems and have pushed tons of species to the brink of extinction. So I hope this club can help increase awareness around those subjects and possibly inspire you to use less plastic and other items that could be hurting our environment.


Crawford Freedman

Media Manager

Hi, I'm Crawford Freedman. I'm a sophomore here at MHS. I'm interested in conservation and wildlife. What brought me into trying to sustain our environment and the SEA club was a desire to eat healthier foods. I'm a big fan of Theodore Roosevelt and seeing how he actively preserved the wildlife and charted National Parks inspired me to try to follow in his footsteps, however small those steps may be. Relaxing on a bench in a park is the ideal afternoon for me


Brian Le


Hi, I'm Brian Le. I'm a junior at Memorial High School. I enjoy spending my free time outside and doing something proactive. As the new historian of the SEA Club, I look forward to participating in bettering our environment and raising awareness among those around our community. Environmental awareness and sustainability are important to me because preserving our ecosystem allows us to thrive in harmony with the environment. By spreading awareness, we are able to grow the possible impact of our club and make a long-lasting difference.

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